To change between these channels in Windows 11 (or Windows 10 if you have install the new Windows Terminal) is slightly different than it was previously.The FS-2 is requiring multiple clicks between Crunch \ Lead channels and really I'm not bothered too much about the midi aspect as I won't use the power soak during songs. Button1 ->Clean \ Button2 -> Crunch \ Button3 -> Lead. At least one interface (trunk or access interface) belongs to this vlan please check the vlan database(show vlan brief), whether there is a corresponding vlan id 0 Helpful Share ReplyAnyone know of a 3 button footswitch that lets you select one of the channels directly e.g. There is a corresponding vlan on the switch. Switched Virtual Interface(SVI) up needs to meet two conditions: 1. Then select Save Settings to commit the change. Select a channel in the Wireless Channel drop-down. If the Enable Auto Channel Scan box is checked, uncheck it. Scroll to the bottom of the new page and select Manual Wireless Network Setup. Scroll to the bottom and select Manual Internet Connection Setup.You can also switch channels by using the channel numbers. Then, you can simply use the +/- buttons to switch from one channel to another. But, they have to talk to each other to do that - and that's what the 5GHz channel is for.If you are having trouble switching to the channel you would like to watch, just press the cable button on the remote. Switching channels In order to do dynamic 5GHz channel selection, they would need to each do a scan and have some way of sharing the results with each other before all coming to a consensus on which channel to use.